Oliviero Bonetti
Claudio Tedesco
Comitato Scientifico
Fabio Calabrò
Giuseppe Di Fede
Valerio Chiurchiù
Mauro Mantovani
Debora Miliani
Daniela Willems
Adrianus Jacobus De Koning
Jonathan Parsons
Staff di Ricerca
Eleonora Nicolai
Francesca Petraglia
Valentina Savoia
Caterina Buonomini
Cristiana Menichelli
Information Technology
Vincenzo Polizzi
Dott. Mauro Mantovani
Chimico sperimentale – Immunologo
Direttore Scientifico della IMBIO
Chimico sperimentale
Bio-tecnologo Alimentare
Tecnologo Ambientale
Docente di Tossicologia Ambientale e Diagnostica Infettivologica
Docente di Immunologia dei Tumori
Docente di Nutraceutica Oncologica
Membro attivo della British Society for Immunology
Chi siamo
La “Omicron Beta Osteopathic Research” è un’ associazione senza fini di lucro che ha come obiettivo principale la ricerca scientifica in ambito osteopatico. La volontà di base è quella di coordinare e far interagire professionisti di diverse discipline al fine di stimolare la nascita di nuove idee e di mettere a confronto le conoscenze in campo osteopatico, biologico e medico per provare l’efficacia dell’Osteopatia ed i suoi limiti.
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Even before defining the articles of association, we gathered the members of the scientific committee and we started working rightaway. The Scientific Committee is made up of: Dr. Giuseppe Morelli, M.D. Medical Surgeon Doctor specialised in Cardiothoracic Surgery. He is former Managing Director of the Operative Unit of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Hospital San Filippo Neri, Rome. At the moment, he works as an expert in the management of in- and out-of hospital major emergency situations, conventional and unconventional events (natural or incidental disasters, CBRN scenarios). Dr. Daniela Willems Research Biologist. PhD in Cytological and Morphogenetic Sciences. Former Professor of the Cell Culture Lab, Master’s Degree Course in Cellular and Molecular Biology (University of Viterbo). She is currently in charge of the Ecotoxicology Lab. The research activity focuses on animal cell differentiation observed in models of in vitro cultures tested through samples of toxicity coming from environmental pollutants. Dr. Valerio Chiurchiù Research Biologist. Currently working as a researcher at the Medical School and Integrated Centre for Research of Campus Bio-Medico University and at the Santa Lucia Foundation IRCCS, Neurochemistry of Lipids Lab. Both located in Rome. His research activity is focused on the regulatory effect bioactive lipids have on the inflammatory response of different population groups of the immune system, in both physiological and pathological processes ( neurodegeneration, chronic inflammation e.g. MS, Alzheimer’s). He is also studying the role of new bioactive lipids (resolvins, maresins..) in collaboration with prestigious universities such as The University of Stockholm and Harvard Medical School of Boston. Dr. Fabio Calabrò, M.D. Medical Doctor specialized in Oncology. Managing Director of the Oncology Department at San Camillo-Forlanini Hospitals. Beside the clinical practice, he carries out research activity taking part as investigator in numerous international clinical trials, phase I to III. Adrianus Jacobus de Koning, D.O. Director at the International College of Osteopathic and Manual Medicine (ICOMM). He was President of the Dutch Register For Osteopathy from 1990 to 2001.Former President of the Upledger Institute and the Institute of Manual Therapy (SCOMM). De koning works in collaboration with the Barrall Institute and is also collaborating in the research project on atrial fibrillation with the Cardiologogy Department of the Fatebenefratelli Hospital in Rome. Jonathan Parsons, D.O. Graduated from the European School of Osteopathy (ESO) in Maidstone, UK. Former International Head of Department at the ESO. Other professionals are part of the staff or collaborate in indirect form and there ‘s many new specializations that are converging into Omicron Beta ranging from veterinary science to engineering. I’m convinced that the collaboration and integration of different disciplines of scientific background may create a productive environment in which new ideas can emerge and new knowledge can propel us forward. Last year I visited the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research , I observed the way they worked and I was inspired, I found confirmation for what I had long been thinking. The key concept is collaboration among professionals coming from different backgrounds. We are already working on a first ambitious project. Due to privacy and corporate secrecy I can’t, nor do I want to, reveal any more details. Suffice it to say that there will be the possibility of making use of modern technologies and of developing new devices that might study what happens in the tissues following osteopathic manipulations, the modification in molecular patterns and how some pathological processes (oncogenesis, inflammation) can be affected. For this reason, we are working with the support of the University of Tor Vergata (Rome) and the University of Viterbo. Think, believe, dream and dare! Our final goal is to prove that Osteopathy deserves a prominent place among the official sciences. I also founded the GAMMA WAVE srl – Advanced Osteopathic Education and Training, an association with the aim of organizing high profile post-graduate courses. We will be operating in two directions: Post-graduate courses within the osteopathic domain. These will relate to topics that are usually overlooked during classical education; Courses about basic scientific subjects such as Cytology, Histology, Biochemistry, Physiology, Physiopathology, etc… The reason behind this choice lies in the unwavering conviction that if the professional osteopath wants to be able to communicate and be welcomed in the scientific community, he needs to have the proper knowledge. Too often that’s not the case. If we claim to fix something, we should at least know how it’s made and how it works. The outstanding complexity of the human organism and how it interfaces with the environment is largely unknown but I think it’s an ethical obligation for every osteopath to know as much as possible about this extraordinary machine we work on every day. In order to do this we need to go back to basics, “You need to know the alphabet before you call yourself a poet”. Basic scientific subjects are the alphabet in our profession. These knowledges will allow the osteopath to be at the same level as any other scientist and give an added value to the profession. As we are still struggling for official recognition, we should consider this prerequisite of fundamental importance. “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you’ll land among the stars”.
OMICRON BETA Osteopathic Research and GAMMA WAVE Advanced Osteopathic Education and Training, how they came to be. I have been working as a professional osteopath for 15 years now. After my D.O, I fully committed to clinical activity and teaching, first as an assistant and then as a lecturer myself. Along this journey it dawned on me that Osteopathy did have a great potential but it was lacking explanations to support it. In 1998, the Scientific American published an article that presented studies on the concept of Tensegrity and cellular mechanotransdution. I instantly realized that these new concepts were a viable way to explain what the osteopathic principles had been professing for 150 years. So off I went, gathering material and information about the subject to finally notice that I didn’t have the basic knowledge that would allow me to understand what was written in most of the articles I was reading. Receptors, molecular patterns, enzyme cascades, chemical reactions were nothing more than a potpourri of baffling names. The deeper I went with my studies, the more I felt frustrated, disheartened. It was a nightmare. I was lacking the knowledge of fundamental subjects like Cytology, Histology , Biochemistry and Physiology just to name a few. My previous studies in Physical Therapy and Osteopathy were not nearly enough as far as these subjects were concerned. So I started to study on my own as much as I could. In 2003 I presented my dissertation for the end of the course, the title was “Tensegrity, structure and function”. The examination board and my supervisor, a french doctor, were not expecting that in the slightest. Starting from that moment, the impulse towards research and looking for the cause of things has increased exponentially. I have also enrolled at the University of Tuscia, Department of Biology, hoping to fill in the gaps I have and, most of all, have finally access to the labs. During this time, I was sharing my ideas with some researchers, ideas that might explain the biological processes on which Osteopathy is based. Surprisingly, I received nothing but positive feedback and what’s more, I aroused curiosity in many people in Italy and abroad as well. We often talk about self-healing mechanisms for instance, but do we actually have knowledge about them? How can osteopathy affect these processes? What are the changes that manipulation techniques produce in the physiology of organs, tissues and cells? What are the molecular patterns? How can mechanics affect biochemistry? In what way does structure govern function? How is it possible that the functional modification in a group of cells can affect the activity of the whole organism? These are the questions I’ve been asking myself and my mind is set on finding the answers. The idea behind OMICRON BETA Osteopathic Research sprung from this necessity and from the importance of combining the knowledge from osteopathy, biology and medicine together. I strongly believe that only by integrating these disciplines, we may finally give Osteopathy that scientific basis and evidence support that have been missing so far. Omicron beta aims at studying the biological processes behind Osteopathy, test them with scientific rigor and spread awareness on why it was founded in the first place and that is: to look for the health within the patient and enable the organism to fight pathological processes in the best way possible. I think mechanotransduction is a viable way and from a deeper understanding of it, we might come to know more about the potential Osteopathy has as well as its limits. Unfortunately, too often osteopaths steer clear of pathology betraying Andrew Taylor Still’s original idea and their own profession. I believe this way of thinking only derives from lack of knowledge and understanding.